

Image may contain: LaDonna English, smiling, closeup

Other than two aging Bostons, our nest is several years empty, and life looks so much different now than it did for the 30 plus years that the children were home.  In retrospect, those days seem like one long happy, busy, somewhat chaotic occasion.  Yes, life is quieter now.  Privacy is not so coveted because it’s too easily available.  A good week is one in which I’ve had a phone call (or even visit) from most of my grown children.  A great week is when I’ve heard from all of them and they are doing good.   Outstanding is when all 30 or more depending on girlfriends, boyfriends, etc. descend under the same roof (or section of sky).  At night, I look forward to some relaxing time with the love of my life.  Though there are less verbal goodnight wishes to send down the hallway as we crawl into bed, there is an ever increasing prayer time with which we now tuck our far away children and grandchildren to bed.  It is a time I treasure with my husband and our great God.

After our nest emptied, I initially pursued hobbies such as gardening, reading,  writing, meal-planning, and working out.  There was so much freedom.  I enjoyed chatting over coffee with the last “chick or two”, diving into renewal, focusing on new and creative ways to love my faithful man, and even indulging in occasional naps.

Other days I struggled to find my way.  I questioned my emerging purpose, dangerously flirting with the mire of regrets and losses, while simultaneously reckoning with the frustrations of life in the 50’s; i.e., reading small print (or any print on some mornings), a different color hair, constant body temperature fluctuations, and nagging wanderings of how the “chicks out of the nest” are all doing.

The questions, frustrations, and a financial setback finally led me to working outside the home.  After over three years as a secretary for a funeral home, I am currently working as a para professional aide at our local high school.  It is a fun job with a constant learning curve that keeps me on my toes.  I must say it is delightful to stay home on snow days, and to have a couple months off in summer, which helps us with our summer camp wood business.  Though these latter years have given my days structure and have helped me to be able to carry on with a few financial roles that I like to fulfill in our family,  more than that they have added friendships to my life that I cherish.

Though my nest is empty and life under my very own roof seems so very quiet in comparison to many years ago, this new season has propelled me into the sunset season of my life.  This season has coerced me into a deeper trust in my heavenly Father, as I’ve weathered a few storms I could never have forseen.  It has allowed me to indulge in warm and mutually supportive friendships on a day to day basis.  I am more thankful than ever for my Savior, who doesn’t just save us once for eternity, though that would be enough….”But the Lord is faithful; He will strengthen and guard you from the evil one.”  1 Thessalonians 3:3.  Yes, indeed, though I am undeserving, He is faithful, and I can never say it enough.

Image may contain: 21 people, including Brandon Cassidy, Caleb English, LaDonna English, Wanda Brand, Jared English and Jacob English, people smiling, people standing, tree, outdoor and nature

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